Booking and prices
Fyfield Village Hall is available to hire 7 days a week between 9am and 11pm.
Hire rates can be as low as £9.50 an hour. The rates vary according to the needs of the hirer and the day and time of the activity or event. Discounts are also available for regular bookings and residents of Fyfield.
On weekdays, hirers can hire one or both of our halls. On Friday evenings and weekends, hirers are usually required to hire both halls. However, we aim to flexible and encourage the use of our facilities, so please do contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
If you would like to book Fyfield Village Hall, please check our calendar for up to date information on availability. You can make a provisional booking by contacting us or through the calendar. Your booking will be secured following payment of a 20% deposit. A £100 damage deposit is also required prior to any ad-hoc or irregular hires.
You can also make a provisional booking for Fyfield Sports Field from Fyfield Parish Council through our booking system. General enquiries about the use and hire of the sports field should be made to Cllr Sandra Mead at