
Fyfield Village Hall is a registered charity. We hold Fyfield Village Hall on trust for the inhabitants of Fyfield and the neighbouring area to use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the inhabitants.

Fyfield Village Hall is managed by a volunteer management committee, including local residents and members appointed by specific Fyfield groups.  We are committed to advancing the objects of the trust, so are always open to ideas for new uses for our facilities. All the money that is raised from hiring the hall and from fund raising activities goes towards running, maintaining and improving the facilities.

Management Committee

  • Penny Ovel (Chair)
  • Steve Turner (Treasurer)
  • Chris Collins (Secretary)
  • Sandra Mead (appointed by Fyfield Parish Council)
  • Trish Jones (appointed by Fyfield PCC)
  • Lizzie Webster
  • Karla Hirst
  • Rachel Barlow
  • Sarah McGregor